Diabetic Mice Cured Using Human Stem Cells

Diabetic Mice Cured Using Human Stem Cells

Scientists had earlier figured out how to create insulin-producing cells out of human stem cells. But they have been unable to demonstrate the effectiveness in mice – until now.

What to Consider When Choosing a Health Insurance Policy

Photograph of medical instruments on a surgery table.

Have you started looking into the health insurance plans that are available? If so, you probably know there are a lot of options. This can make the decision of which one to use complicated and frustrating.  The good news is, when you know what to look for and what to consider, you can find the […]

What You Should Know About Sleep Loss

Sleep Loss and Its Consequences

Some years into World War II, the US military realized it had a problem. Due to the enormous pressures of aerial combat, many of its pilots were amassing levels of stress so devastating they were beginning to crack. The stress caused poor judgment and performance during missions. Pilots began making deadly mistakes. They were shooting […]

Lower Back Pain: The Myths vs The Facts

Back Pain

If you’ve ever slept in an awkward position or lifted something the wrong way, then you are familiar with that roaring pain in the lower back. Around two-thirds of all Americans will experience significant lower back pain at least once during their lives. The Australian Bureau of Statistics meanwhile, estimates that about four million Australians […]

UK Teen Goes Blind on Junk Food

Boy Goes Blind on Junk Food

By the time the boy was 15, he had begun to lose both his hearing and his eyesight. He was not over or underweight, but was gravely malnourished.

APP- etites: Downsizing the Fat Continent

Obesity is a global problem

The US Census Bureau conducted its first National Health Survey in the early 1960s. The results of the survey indicated that 23 percent of American adults were overweight.  The number increased steadily over the course of two more national surveys over the years. By the late 1970s, the proportion of overweight American adults had swollen to […]

Don’t Wash Raw Chicken, USDA Warns

Don't wash raw chicken!

You might think it’s good hygiene to give that bird a rinse before you cook it. A US government report says otherwise. The report, a joint effort between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and researchers from the University of North Carolina, supports findings of previous research on the subject. Why Washing Raw Chicken Could Make […]