Self-Care For Tough Times

There are probably as many definitions of ‘self-care’ as there are people in this world. But they all ultimately come down to a single purpose… investing time in your overall wellbeing. Whether it’s daily meditation, reducing your mobile screen time, tracking fitness goals, or implementing a better sleeping routine, self-care is whatever makes you feel […]
UK to Impose Ban on Junk Food Ads Starting 2023

The government of the United Kingdom is about to announce an embargo on junk food advertising online and before 9pm on TV. Will it work?
Our Take on 3 Bestselling Home Air Purifiers Available on Amazon

Not all air purifiers are created equal. Here’s our look at three of the most popular home air purifiers in the market right now.
Love is a Sound: The Intriguing Mystery of ASMR

The ASMR sensation is akin to an electrostatic-like ripple that travels across the scalp and down the spine. Some have quite literally described it as a ‘brain orgasm.’ Here’s what science says about the growing cultural phenomenon.
Yes, Impostor Syndrome Is Real. Here’s How to Deal With It!

Have you ever felt like you’ve somehow managed to fool people into believing that you are better than you really are? If so, don’t fret. Most of the people you know feel the same way about themselves.
Scientists Develop New Artificial Cartilage for the Knee

Researchers say they may have finally developed a material that matches the cartilage found in our bodies.
How to Treat Sunburn

Sunburns cause direct damage to DNA, causing inflammation and the death of skin cells. Here’s how to treat them.
Managing Stress and Anxiety Amid the Pandemic

Experts say that too much stress may work against you, making you more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Here’s how to manage stress and anxiety amid the outbreak.
The ‘Chinese Virus’ is Now Part of Trump’s Dirty Tricks Playbook

Trump claims the term ‘Chinese virus’ simply reflects a proper geographic labeling. Many find his explanation difficult to believe.
China Now Using a Japanese Drug to Treat the COVID-19 Virus

The Chinese government is using an anti-influenza drug developed in Japan in treating people infected with the new coronavirus.