Insectageddon – Why Cleaning Your Windshield Has Become Optional!

Insectageddon - Why Cleaning Your Windshield Has Become Optional!

I do a lot of driving in rural and isolated areas. I always have. Certainly not as much as a truckie but a lot more than the average driver. Here in Australia, I constantly mourn the roadkill that I drive past on the roadside. Roos, wallabies, possums, wombats, snakes, goannas and anything else foolish enough […]

Climate Change, Money, and the Politics of Denial

Climate Change

In the mode of public disclosure that governs the Trump administration these days, few official statements contain anything resembling the simple truth.  That is, unless you consider the ungovernable warp of President Donald Trump’s ego and ambition as a genuine statement in itself. If that is the case, then truth becomes utterly subjective, and there […]

Here’s Why You Should Rip Up that Lawn

An organic vegetable garden

How much does the straw in your soda or the plastic cup you’re holding contribute to a problem as colossal as climate change? You want a cleaner, safer world. You care about the environment and you know the decisions you make each day can make a difference. But where does one start? Rip Up That Lawn: Transform […]

Trump’s Overhaul of Endangered Species Act Is Devastating, Say Experts

Trump administration dismantles ESA

“We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources.” Teddy Roosevelt, Republican and 26th president of the United States. Earlier this month, the Trump Administration enacted what the New York Times has called “the most sweeping set of changes in decades” to regulations governing America’s Endangered Species Act (ESA). The changes weaken […]

Pesticides Causing Mass Bee Deaths in Brazil, Say Researchers

Mass Bee Deaths

Bees are dying in alarming numbers in the southern regions of Brazil. Beekeepers in four states there report that some 400 million bees have died over the past three months. Researchers say the main cause of death of the bees is pesticides. They point to two chemicals, in particular: neonicotinoids and fipronil.   Aldo Machado, vice president of […]

Becoming a Climate Change Optimist

The author takes heart in the fact that only 96% of our energy is coming from fossil fuels

June 18th, 2018 – Updated December 24th, 2024 Yes, there are still those willing to deny that global warming is a reality. Why, there are even some people who continue to argue that the cause is not anthropocentric. But for the vast majority of rational thinkers, it is a very worrying reality… especially if you have […]

New Tech Can Recover 160 Billion Gallons of Water Annually!

New Tech Can Recover 160 Billion Gallons of Water Annually!

Here’s another number that will get your attention… Around 39% of all fresh water usage in the USA is consumed by power plants! And most of that is lost to the atmosphere as steam. This new technology can return most of that water vapor to the rivers and lakes from which it was taken! And […]