AI – Armageddon or Renaisance?

IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE A THREAT TO MANKIND? It’s indisputable that the rapid advance of technology has made our lives easier. It’s streamlining jobs, speeding the delivery of information and automating repetitive tasks. Thanks to smartphones and computers, we are the first creatures to ever outsource their own memories to machines. And thanks to smart home […]

Are there any proven ways to avoid catching a cold?

Man with cold - do supplements work?

Yes, but… avoid is a bit strong. Minimize? Definitely. Colds can strike any time of the year – especially if you have kids in school! In fact, the younger those kids are, the more likely they are to bring a cold home. It’s not because they have less immunity – it’s because young kids tend […]

Australian runs 535 half-marathons in 535 days!

Overweight and over-worked, Aussie Matt Daniels decided it was time to change… he would run 535 half-marathons in 535 days! And he did it for someone he’d never met! Every day, day after day, rain, hail or shine, come hell or high water, he’s put on his running shoes and hit the pavement. And he […]

Human beings are great runners because we’re stupendous sweaters!

A fit and healthy human can run much greater distances than most other species

We’ve understood for a long time that being bi-pedal gave our forebears a significant survival advantage. Being able to see prey and predators long before they see you certainly helps determine who or what ends up on the dinner plate. But now we’ve found that our best survival trait in those early times may have […]

Comic Explainer: How Memory Works

How memory works

Comic explainer: how memory works Why do we retain some memories better than others? Wes Mountain/The Conversation, CC BY-ND Jee Hyun Kim, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health We recall thousands of events and procedures every day, but what is memory? In this comic explainer, The Florey Institute’s Dr Jee Hyun Kim explains how […]

New tech can recover 160 BILLION gallons of water annually!

Here’s another number that will get your attention… Around 39% of all fresh water usage in the USA is consumed by power plants! And most of that is lost to the atmosphere as steam. This new technology can return most of that water vapor to the rivers and lakes from which it was taken! And […]

It’s about those bugs living in you…

I know of some people who are extremely averse to micro-organisms. Paranoid even! They say these are disease-bearing, illness-causing entities that should be eradicated. They have a cleanser for every surface – living or otherwise. But is it wise to declare an all-out war against microbes? I’m asking because, well, bacteria and fungi are actually […]

Varicose veins: Here’s what you can do about them

Varicose veins are unsightly, unappealing, and downright unattractive. But the problem is more than just aesthetics. These distended, tortuous veins are actually painful and may even lead to other health problems. A burning or throbbing pain that is worsened by inactivity is a characteristic of varicose veins. The lower legs and ankles may also swell. […]

We’ve been treating ALL fats like an enemy…and we’re wrong!

They were wrong. Whoever told you all forms of fat are bad for the health was wrong. I know it’s pretty hard to believe. All our lives we’ve been told that fats are unhealthy. We’ve been treating fats like an enemy when we really shouldn’t have. In fact, dietitians and doctors nowadays are singing the […]

Want that job? Quit smoking!

Sneaking a quick stairwell 'ciggy' is a common practice in the workplace.

Most western countries have banned smoking in the workplace. But those same countries typically give smokers special rights to indulge their habit during working hours. ‘ Last year, a Japanese marketing firm gave its non-smoking workers an extra six days of paid leave a year. The non-smoking employees argued – obviously successfully – that their smoking colleagues […]