How Mosquitoes Shaped History


In Spanish, the word mosquito means “little gnat,” but there is nothing diminutive about its association with human suffering. There is little doubt that few creatures on the planet evoke as much aversion as the mosquito. Their buzzing presence and their itchy, irritating bites can ruin any afternoon outdoors.  There is also the infuriating noise, completely […]

Pesticides Causing Mass Bee Deaths in Brazil, Say Researchers

Mass Bee Deaths

Bees are dying in alarming numbers in the southern regions of Brazil. Beekeepers in four states there report that some 400 million bees have died over the past three months. Researchers say the main cause of death of the bees is pesticides. They point to two chemicals, in particular: neonicotinoids and fipronil.   Aldo Machado, vice president of […]

Scientists are Creating Human-Monkey Hybrids in China

Human-Monkey Hybrids in China

Scientists may have just taken a leap into the vast unknown by injecting human cells into monkey embryos.   Is this a life-saving breakthrough, or are we headed for catastrophe?  The Spanish daily, El Pais, claims a team of researchers have created embryos that are part human, part monkey.  The Spanish-born biologist, Juan Carlos Izpisúa […]

Biologists Look to the Dawn of Life to Study the Causes of Cancer

Cancer has origins in ancient cellular pathways

Has cancer touched your life? People who have loved ones or friends afflicted with the disease are often left to wonder why cancer exists at all.   The answer, like the disease, is surprisingly complicated. Can Early Life Hold the Key to Understanding Cancer Causes? Cancer is part of life’s ancient apparatus. The disease is […]

Bugs, Mites and Mould – How Often Do You Wash Your Bedsheets?

Bugs, Mites and Mould - How Often Do You Wash Your Bedsheets?

Tuesdays – mine. Wednesdays – the kids. It’s a routine. Call it a habit. I’d call it a necessity. You can call me weird if you’re someone who does it annually! Say what? You mean there are people who wash their sheets once a year? Apparently so! How Often Do You Wash Your Bedsheets? In […]

Australian Runs 535 Half Marathons in 535 Days!

Australian Runs 535 Half-Marathons in 535 Days!

Overweight and over-worked, Aussie Matt Daniels decided it was time to change… he would run 535 half-marathons in 535 days! And he did it for someone he’d never met! Every day, day after day, rain, hail or shine, come hell or high water, he’s put on his running shoes and hit the pavement. And he […]

Would You Use Your Partner’s Toothbrush to Avoid Dementia?

Would You Use Your Partner’s Toothbrush to Avoid Dementia

Say what??? Let’s start with a couple of facts, some new, some old. But first, a question… You’re bleary-eyed from a bad night’s sleep. Your brother is visiting and you had a drink too many. The bathroom is still in semi-darkness but you don’t turn on the light yet because you’re not ready for – […]

It’s About Those Bugs Living in You…

It’s About Those Bugs Living in You…

I know of some people who are extremely averse to micro-organisms. Paranoid even! They say these are disease-bearing, illness-causing entities that should be eradicated. They have a cleanser for every surface – living or otherwise. But is it wise to declare an all-out war against microbes? I’m asking because, well, bacteria and fungi are actually […]

Scientists Discover New Human Organ!

It's March 2018 and we just found a new organ in our bodies!

We know so much and yet so little. We can land a rover on Mars. We’ve studied Pluto in astounding detail. We’re discovering new planets in far flung solar systems almost daily. We’ve been to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Yet we are still making major discoveries about our own body! A New Human Organ? […]