An image of common kitchen items to make sustainable cleaning supplies.

Crafting Sustainable Cleaning Supplies: A DIY Approach

In today’s world, the shift towards sustainability is more than a trend; it’s necessary. This article delves into how you can create sustainable cleaning supplies. Adopting a DIY approach, you contribute to a healthier environment and embrace a cost-effective and rewarding practice. We’ll explore various recipes and methods, emphasizing their environmental benefits and practicality.

Understanding Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, sustainable cleaning supplies have emerged as a vital component of eco-friendly living. These supplies, designed to minimize ecological footprints, offer a responsible alternative to conventional cleaning products. 

This section will explore sustainable cleaning supplies’ importance and how they differ from traditional cleaning products regarding environmental impact.

What are Sustainable Cleaning Supplies?

Sustainable cleaning supplies encompass a range of products made with ingredients that are non-toxic, biodegradable, and derived from renewable resources. Unlike conventional cleaners, which often contain harsh chemicals, sustainable options focus on natural ingredients. 

These supplies are not just about the ingredients but also about eco-friendly packaging, reduced carbon footprints, and ethical production processes.

Importance of Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

The importance of sustainable cleaning supplies lies in their reduced environmental impact. They help lower pollution in waterways, reduce waste with biodegradable packaging, and minimize households’ exposure to harmful chemicals. Furthermore, these products often come from ethical sources, ensuring fair labor practices and supporting local communities.

Conventional vs. Sustainable Cleaning Products

The stark difference between conventional and sustainable cleaning supplies is rooted in their composition and impact. Conventional cleaning products often contain chemicals like phosphates, ammonia, and chlorine, which can cause significant environmental damage. 

These substances can lead to water pollution, harming aquatic life and disrupting ecosystems. On the other hand, sustainable cleaning products use naturally derived ingredients that are much gentler on the environment.

Environmental Impact of Conventional Cleaning Products

The environmental impact of conventional cleaning products is far-reaching. When rinsed away, these chemicals enter waterways, affecting water quality and aquatic life. They can also contribute to indoor air pollution, posing health risks to humans and pets. Additionally, the production and disposal of these products often involve non-renewable resources and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable cleaning supplies does not have the same negative impact to the environment as your average cleaners.

Transitioning to Sustainable Cleaning

Embracing sustainable cleaning supplies is a simple yet effective step towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Consumers can significantly reduce their environmental impact by opting for products with natural ingredients. This transition also involves being mindful of packaging and opting for products with minimal or recyclable packaging to reduce waste further.

The Role of DIY in Sustainable Cleaning

DIY cleaning solutions are at the heart of sustainable cleaning practices. Creating your sustainable cleaning supplies gives you complete control over the ingredients used, ensuring they are natural and safe. This reduces the environmental impact and can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Understanding sustainable cleaning supplies is crucial in making informed choices about our daily products. By choosing sustainable options, we can significantly reduce our environmental footprint, promote healthier living spaces, and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Zero Waste Natural Dish Soap Bar

Essential Ingredients for Sustainable Cleaning

Transitioning to sustainable cleaning involves understanding and utilizing natural ingredients. Often found in your kitchen or local stores, these ingredients are the backbone of eco-friendly cleaning. Below are key ingredients for sustainable cleaning supplies, their properties, and how to source and store them effectively.


Vinegar, particularly white vinegar, is a staple in sustainable cleaning supplies. Its acidic nature effectively removes grime, mineral deposits, and bacteria. It can be used in various ways, from window cleaning to disinfecting surfaces.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another essential ingredient in sustainable cleaning supplies. Its mildly abrasive properties make it perfect for tackling tough stains and odors. It’s commonly used in homemade pastes for cleaning sinks, ovens, and carpets.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, with its pleasant scent and high citric acid content, acts as a natural disinfectant for sustainable cleaning supplies. It’s great for cutting through grease and can be combined with other ingredients to enhance cleaning power.

Castile Soap

Castile soap is a plant-based soap that is biodegradable and free from synthetic ingredients for any sustainable cleaning supplies. It works as a gentle yet effective cleaning agent and forms the base for many liquid cleaning recipes.

Essential Oils

Essential oils add a pleasant aroma to your sustainable cleaning supplies and often possess antimicrobial properties. Common choices include tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus oil.


Salt, particularly coarse salt, is excellent for scrubbing and scouring. It can remove rust and stains and is especially effective with lemon juice or vinegar.


Borax is a naturally occurring mineral known for its cleaning and whitening capabilities. It’s used in various sustainable cleaning supplies recipes, including laundry detergents and general cleaners.

Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

Other Sustainable Ingredients

several other natural items can be included in your DIY sustainable cleaning supplies. These ingredients are environmentally friendly, readily available, and effective for various cleaning tasks.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide: A natural disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide is great for sanitizing surfaces, removing stains, and even brightening laundry. It’s a safer alternative to bleach.
  • Cornstarch: Excellent for cleaning windows, polishing furniture, and shampooing carpets. Cornstarch can absorb oil and grease effectively.
  • Olive Oil: Useful for polishing and conditioning wood surfaces. Olive oil can be mixed with lemon juice or vinegar for a natural furniture polish.
  • Rubbing Alcohol: Ideal for disinfecting and cleaning glass and mirrors. It evaporates quickly, leaving a streak-free shine.
  • Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate): A powerful cleaner that can tackle tough stains and grime. It’s especially effective in homemade laundry detergents and for cleaning grills and ovens.
  • Citric Acid: Found naturally in citrus fruits, it’s excellent for descaling appliances, removing hard water stains, and cleaning toilets.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it’s a great addition to homemade cleaning sprays, especially in bathrooms.
  • White Flour: Useful for polishing stainless steel and other metals. It can be used in a paste form or as a polishing agent on a dry cloth.
  • Arrowroot Powder: Like cornstarch, it can be used in homemade carpet cleaners or as a deodorizer.
  • Beeswax: Perfect for making natural furniture polish and sealing and protecting wood surfaces.
  • Liquid Castile Soap: A gentle, versatile cleaner used in various DIY cleaning products, from dish soap to floor cleaners.
  • Coconut Oil: Useful for conditioning wood, removing sticky residues, and polishing metals.
  • Epsom Salt: Great for scrubbing tiles and as a base for homemade cleaners, particularly for bathrooms.
  • Soy Sauce: Surprisingly effective for polishing and cleaning brass and copper.
  • Black Tea: Ideal for cleaning wooden surfaces and floors, as the tannins in the tea can enhance the wood’s color and shine.

Recipes for Everyday Cleaning

Creating your sustainable cleaning supplies is eco-friendly but also simple and cost-effective. This section will explore some easy-to-make recipes using the sustainable ingredients discussed earlier. These recipes are designed for everyday cleaning tasks and can be easily adapted based on your preferences and needs.

All-Purpose Cleaner

An all-purpose cleaner is essential for daily cleaning tasks. It’s versatile and can be used on most surfaces.


1 part white vinegar

1 part water

Lemon peel or a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (optional)

Instructions: Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well before use. Spray onto surfaces and wipe clean with a cloth.

CLARK'S Natural Stone Spray Cleaner

Glass Cleaner

A homemade glass cleaner is effective and easy for streak-free windows and mirrors.


2 cups of water

½ cup white or cider vinegar

¼ cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration)

1 to 2 drops of orange essential oil for fragrance (optional)

Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray onto glass surfaces and wipe away with a lint-free cloth or newspaper.

Kitchen Cleaner

This cleaner is great for kitchen counters, appliances, and refrigerators.


2 cups water

½ cup white vinegar

2 tablespoons baking soda

A few drops of lemon or tea tree oil for a fresh scent

Instructions: Dissolve baking soda in water, add vinegar and essential oil. Pour into a spray bottle. Shake gently before using.

Bathroom Cleaner

For cleaning the bathroom, this recipe is effective for tiles, toilets, and sinks.


1 ½ cups baking soda

½ cup liquid castile soap

2 tablespoons white vinegar

2 tablespoons water

Essential oils for fragrance (optional)

Instructions: Mix baking soda and castile soap in a bowl. Add vinegar and water, and stir until a paste forms. Use a sponge to apply, scrub, and then rinse off.

Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

Carpet Stain Remover

For spot-cleaning carpet stains, this simple recipe can be quite effective.


2 parts water

1 part white vinegar

Instructions: Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray on the stain, let sit for a few minutes, then blot with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if necessary.

Wood Polish

This recipe is good for polishing and nourishing wooden furniture.


1 cup olive oil

½ cup lemon juice

Instructions: Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Apply with a soft cloth, rubbing in a circular motion, and then buff with a dry cloth.

These DIY recipes for sustainable cleaning supplies are environmentally friendly, effective, and easy to make. They provide a safe and natural way to keep your home clean, reducing the reliance on harsh, chemical-laden products. Remember, you can always adjust the recipes to suit your preferences or specific cleaning needs.

AIRNEX Natural Kitchen Sponge

Advanced DIY Cleaning Projects

Advanced DIY cleaning projects are the next step for those looking to tackle more challenging cleaning tasks with a sustainable approach. These projects are designed for specific needs like laundry, dishwashing, and cleaning tough stains. 

DIY Laundry Detergent

Making your laundry detergent is both cost-effective and gentle on clothes.


1 bar of grated Castile soap

2 cups washing soda

1 cup baking soda

15-20 drops of essential oil for fragrance (optional)

Instructions: Combine all ingredients and store them in an airtight container. Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.

DIY Dishwashing Liquid

A homemade dishwashing liquid is easy to make and effective for daily dishwashing needs.


2 cups hot water

1 tablespoon grated bar soap (unscented)

1-2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 tablespoon washing soda

Instructions: Dissolve the grated soap into the hot water. Add the vinegar and washing soda and stir until well mixed. Let it cool, and then transfer to a bottle.

DIY Heavy-Duty Scrub

A heavy-duty scrub can be a game-changer for tough stains on surfaces like ovens and bathtubs.


½ cup baking soda

¼ cup washing soda

1 tablespoon natural dish soap

10 drops lemon essential oil (optional for extra degreasing power)

Instructions: Mix all ingredients to form a paste. Apply with a sponge or brush, scrub, and rinse well.

DIY Mold and Mildew Cleaner

This sustainable cleaner is ideal for bathrooms and areas prone to dampness.


1 part hydrogen peroxide

1 part water

Instructions: Mix in a spray bottle, spray on the affected area, let it sit for at least an hour, then scrub and rinse.

Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

Benefits of DIY Cleaning Solutions

Adopting DIY cleaning solutions in your household brings a multitude of benefits. Not only are these solutions sustainable, but they also offer health, economic, and environmental advantages. 

Below are why DIY cleaning solutions are an excellent choice for those looking to impact various aspects of their lives and the planet positively.

Health and Environmental Advantages

Reduced Exposure to Harsh Chemicals: Many commercial cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can cause health issues, including respiratory problems and skin irritation. DIY solutions use natural ingredients, reducing the risk of such health concerns.

Eco-Friendly: Homemade cleaners are typically more environmentally friendly. Ingredients like vinegar and baking soda have minimal impact on the ecosystem compared to the harsh chemicals found in many store-bought cleaners.

Less Plastic Waste: Making cleaning products often involves reusing containers, significantly reducing plastic waste and the overall carbon footprint.

Cost-Effectiveness and Customization

Saves Money: DIY cleaning solutions are often much cheaper than commercial counterparts. Ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon are affordable and can be bought in bulk.

Customizable: You can tailor your cleaning solutions to your needs and preferences. DIY allows for complete customization, whether it’s a preference for a particular scent or a solution tailored to a specific surface type.

Safety for Pets and Children

Non-Toxic: With non-toxic and natural ingredients, DIY cleaners are safer around pets and children. There’s less worry about them coming into contact with harmful substances.

Peace of Mind: Knowing exactly what’s in your cleaning products gives you peace of mind, especially in households with small children or pets more susceptible to toxic chemicals.

Community and Educational Benefits

Sharing Knowledge: DIY cleaning allows you to share recipes and tips within your community, fostering a sense of community and collective learning.

Educational Value: Engaging in DIY cleaning can be a learning experience, especially for children. It teaches them about sustainability, chemistry, and responsibility early on.

Long-Term Sustainability

Encourages a Sustainable Mindset: Regularly making and using DIY cleaning solutions instills a sustainable mindset, influencing other areas of one’s lifestyle to be more eco-conscious.

Reduces Dependency on Commercial Products: By making your cleaning products, you become less reliant on commercial goods, which often come with environmental and health costs.

FAQ on Crafting Sustainable Cleaning Supplies

Can I Use Essential Oils in All Cleaning Recipes?

Essential oils can be added to most DIY cleaning recipes for their scent and antibacterial properties. However, it’s important to use them sparingly and be aware that some can be irritating to the skin or harmful to pets.

How Do I Dispose of Unused DIY Cleaning Solutions?

If you have leftover DIY cleaning solutions, it’s best to use them up within a few months, as they don’t contain preservatives. Most can be poured down the drain for disposal, as they’re biodegradable. However, always check local regulations for specific disposal guidelines.

Are DIY Cleaning Solutions Safe for Septic Systems?

Most DIY cleaning solutions are septic-safe, especially those made with natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Avoid using large quantities of bleach or borax, as they can disrupt the bacterial balance in septic systems.

Can I Find Pre-Made Sustainable Cleaning Supplies in Stores?

There are several pre-made sustainable cleaning products available in stores. Two recommended options are:
Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner: This cleaner is made from plant-based ingredients and is effective against various household germs.
Method All-Purpose Natural Surface Cleaner: This biodegradable, non-toxic cleaner is suitable for most surfaces and comes in various natural fragrances.

How to Test DIY Cleaners for Safety on Surfaces?

Do a spot test before using a DIY cleaner on any surface, especially delicate ones. Apply a small amount in an inconspicuous area. Wait a few minutes to check for adverse reactions like discoloration or damage.

Can Sustainable Cleaning Supplies Be Used on All Surfaces?

While sustainable cleaners are versatile, some surfaces, like granite or marble, may require specific care. Acidic ingredients like vinegar can etch natural stone. Always research or test on a small area if unsure.

What’s the Shelf Life of Homemade Cleaning Products?

The shelf life varies depending on the ingredients. Generally, those made with water should be used within a month, while others can last up to six months. Store them in a cool, dry place and label them with the creation date.


Embracing sustainable cleaning supplies, whether homemade or store-bought, is a significant step towards a more eco-conscious lifestyle. This comprehensive guide has provided insights into making your cleaning solutions, understanding their benefits, and even selecting pre-made options when necessary. Integrating these practices into your daily routine contributes to a healthier home and a cleaner planet.



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