How To Keep Your Generator Running Efficiently

Keeping the various systems in a home running smoothly is a lot harder than it sounds. Experienced homeowners know just how much hard work goes into keeping things like an electrical or plumbing system functional. As a homeowner, you need to be concerned with how to stay one step ahead of problems.

Bad weather events are quite common in the United States. If you don’t have a strategy regarding how to deal with these events, it is only a matter of time before disaster strikes. One of the main concerns you should have when dealing with bad weather is keeping your electricity on. Severe storms can knock out your local power grid, which is why investing in a backup generator is important.

Once you have a quality generator installed, be sure to keep it reliable with regular maintenance. Here are some tips to keep your generator running efficiently, so it works properly when you need it most.

Here are some tips to keep your generator running efficiently, so it works properly when you need it most.
Here are some tips to keep your generator running efficiently, so it works properly when you need it most.

Avoid Fuel Problems

One of the main things a generator needs to run is a full tank of gas. On average, a homeowner will only use their generator a few times a year. If you are new to the world of generator maintenance, you may not realize that removing the gas in your generator’s fuel tank after every use is important. Leaving gas in your generator for months on end can lead to serious problems developing.

Rather than dealing with the problems that old gas will cause, get in the habit of draining your generator’s fuel tank. If you are having a hard time starting your generator after the gas has been left in it, then reaching out to professionals for help is important. With the help of a generator repair professional, you can get your fuel problems fixed in a hurry.

Oil Changes Are Essential

The motor that powers your generator has a number of internal parts. These parts need the proper amount of lubrication to run correctly. It is the job of the oil in your engine to provide this lubrication. As time goes by, the oil in your generator will become thicker. The thicker the oil gets; the less lubrication it will provide to internal engine parts. This lack of lubrication can increase the amount of friction these parts experience and damage them.

This is why it is so important to change the oil in your generator regularly. The only way to figure out when your oil needs to be changed is by looking at the owner’s manual that came with your generator, usually every 50 to 200 hours of operation. If you aren’t comfortable performing this essential maintenance procedure, calling in an expert to help is a good idea.

Crank Your Generator Regularly   

Approximately 3% of the homes in the United States have a backup generator in them. In most cases, these generators will only get used a handful of times every year. Letting a generator remain idle without cranking it can be problematic. This is why you should get in the habit of cranking your generator once a month.

In most cases, these generators will only get used a handful of times every year.
In most cases, these generators will only get used a handful of times every year.

By cranking up your generator frequently, you can make sure that your carburetor is functioning properly. It will also help lubricate the internal engine parts with oil and charge your generator batteries. When cranking your generator, you should make sure the unit is clean. With a quick cleaning, you can keep dirt and other debris out of your generator.


As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to keep your generator in pristine shape. By using these tips, you can extend the life of your generator and keep it reliable for years to come.



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