Human brain and Active receptor

What Don’t You Know about Your Brain?

There can be no questioning that you and your brain are one. If the brain dies, you are nothing. Medical advances now give us liver, lung, kidney and even heart transplant options. Replacing your lungs with a donor’s does not effect the essence of who you are. But a brain transplant – if such a thing ever eventuates, will result in a totally new ‘you’ with that brain’s character and memories.

How well do you know your own brain? For instance, do you know that it makes up only about 2% of your body weight and that it uses only 20% of the oxygen and energy it receives? It’s also 75% water. And if your brain dehydrates by just 2%, your memory, attention and other cognitive functions will be noticeably affected?

Even with hundreds of studies, there’s still so much we don’t understand about the way our brain functions. But the following graphics help explain what we do know about how our brains work…

Left or right brain dominance
Left or right brain dominance? Actually neither!
Each brain hemisphere tends to specialize at certain tasks leading us to think that those who are more analytical are left dominant while those we consider to be creative are 'right brain dominant'.
Each brain hemisphere tends to specialize at certain tasks leading us to think that those who are more analytical are left dominant while those we consider to be creative are ‘right brain dominant’.
If you feel a bit weary by bedtime, blame those 50,000 thoughts you've processed today. But while your body sleeps tonight, your brain will actually work harder than it did during the day.
If you feel a bit weary by bedtime, blame those 50,000 thoughts you’ve processed today. But while your body sleeps tonight, your brain will actually work harder than it did during the day.
While it's not a muscle, your brain responds in very much the same way to constant use. Learning new things creates new neural pathways. The more you do them, the stronger those pathways become.
While it’s not a muscle, your brain responds in very much the same way to constant use. Learning new things creates new neural pathways. The more you do them, the stronger those pathways become.

This video demonstrates just how powerful your brain is…


Jack Milgram / Custom Writing
Jack Milgram / Custom Writing

This infographic by Custom Writing will tell you even more about the human brain and the way it functions. You’ll find out about the differences between left and right brain hemispheres. You’ll also learn about the functions each part of the brain is responsible for. It’s true that each brain hemisphere is responsible for a certain set of functions. But it’s also true that every person uses both of brain hemispheres equally. Even though we all have different talents, different favorite things to do, and we are all different people, one thing stays the same—it’s the way our brain works. Find out more fascinating facts about our brain and how you can improve its functions: there’s a bunch of curious facts about your brain you probably didn’t know. So what are you waiting for? Check it out already!



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