Diabetic Mice Cured Using Human Stem Cells

Scientists had earlier figured out how to create insulin-producing cells out of human stem cells. But they have been unable to demonstrate the effectiveness in mice – until now.

20 Inventions that Changed Everything

Inventions do not happen in random order. Science and technology advance along a logical line, with one invention leading to another.  When plotted along a curve, what becomes clear is the breathtaking pace of technological progress. The innovations have come in rapid succession, each one setting in motion a chain reaction that triggers others. In this […]

Scientists are Creating Human-Monkey Hybrids in China

Human-Monkey Hybrids in China

Scientists may have just taken a leap into the vast unknown by injecting human cells into monkey embryos.   Is this a life-saving breakthrough, or are we headed for catastrophe?  The Spanish daily, El Pais, claims a team of researchers have created embryos that are part human, part monkey.  The Spanish-born biologist, Juan Carlos Izpisúa […]

New Google Feature Promises to Stop Telemarketers for Good

No, it’s not just your imagination. Those blasted unsolicited calls — at best infuriating, at worst criminal — are getting worse. Because smartphones have practically become extensions of our bodies, spam calls and telemarketers can follow us wherever we go. They disrupt meetings, the odd coffee break, and even quality time with the family. Finally, […]

Emoji Domain Names: Thing of the Future or Passing Fancy?

Emoji domains are coming

Human beings have communicated with each other using simple pictures for thousands of years. The oldest known cave paintings are over 40,000 years old. This ancient — and uniquely human — form of communication has, of course, found its way into today’s internet culture.  Cult Status People use little digital icons to convey emotion or […]

AI – Armageddon or Renaisance?

IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE A THREAT TO MANKIND? It’s indisputable that the rapid advance of technology has made our lives easier. It’s streamlining jobs, speeding the delivery of information and automating repetitive tasks. Thanks to smartphones and computers, we are the first creatures to ever outsource their own memories to machines. And thanks to smart home […]

New tech can recover 160 BILLION gallons of water annually!

Here’s another number that will get your attention… Around 39% of all fresh water usage in the USA is consumed by power plants! And most of that is lost to the atmosphere as steam. This new technology can return most of that water vapor to the rivers and lakes from which it was taken! And […]