If your dog has trust issues – you may be causing it!

Does your dog trust you? The thought is incomprehensible to any pet parent as dogs are the last creatures you’d think to have trust issues. Why, they’re happily grovelling doormats! They’re not man’s best friend for nothing. Their world practically revolves around their humans. They love – and trust us – no matter what. Or do they always? A recent […]

So Your Kids Want a Treehouse?

What child doesn’t want a treehouse? Treehouses have been part of many childhoods; where dreams and wishes are created, frustrations and anxieties are eased, and the soothing feeling of being hidden amongst lush foliage high above the ground is one of the best feelings a child can have. Why, even adults want treehouses these days. […]

Why losing a dog can be harder than losing a relative or friend

ogs are a huge part of their owners’ routines – which makes their loss even more jarring

Frank T. McAndrew, Knox College Recently, my wife and I went through one of the more excruciating experiences of our lives – the euthanasia of our beloved dog, Murphy. I remember making eye contact with Murphy moments before she took her last breath – she flashed me a look that was an endearing blend of […]

My sister is a drunk: The gutwrenching story of a sister’s burden…

Drunk woman slouched on bar

Sometimes we and others never realize just how destructive drinking habits can be. One can never pinpoint that transition from social drinking to alcohol dependency. On one side of the spectrum, there are people who simply don’t care if a family member drinks way too much. In some cultures and areas it almost ‘comes with […]

Fluoridated water: The facts, the urban myths and the fiction!

Drinking fluoridated water

There are few causes that can equal the controversy surrounding fluoridated water! For many years now, most of us have heard and read about how fluoridated water is bad for our health. There are claims that fluoridated water causes cancer. That it can be linked to  Down Syndrome. Even that it causes tooth decay! And, of […]

Do we really need to clear out our skin pores?

Our pores are self-cleaning. Are you helping or hindering them?

In common with many teenagers, I faced the anguish and insecurities of acne and blackheads. I rubbed and scrubbed, scraped and squeezed, all to no avail. In fact, I made it worse and can still see some of the scarring that resulted from my futile attempts to have blemish-free skin. Then there was the expense… […]

How to Pick the Perfect Christmas Tree for Your Home!

Picking the perfect Christmas tree for your home

Walk around any built-up area or turn on the TV right now and you’ll be bombarded with festive imagery. Christmas is nearly upon us and it’s time to kit out our homes in yuletide décor. The centrepiece of festive decoration is, of course, the Christmas tree. It stands proudly in your living room, adding colour […]

Are antibacterial soaps hurting your family?

This could be killing more than you think!

In recent years there has been an explosion of cleaning products guaranteeing to kill 99.9% of all germs in a ludicrously short time frame. You’ve seen them lined up on your supermarket shelves and you’ve probably bought some. Why wouldn’t you? The ads show loving mothers cleaning all those bacteria infested surfaces while smiling children […]

Why those long hours are probably killing your bottom line!

Do you work from a home office? You probably made that decision so that you can have time with your family. But do you find it hard to stop? Do you put the kids to bed and ‘go back to the office’? We all worry about long hours affecting our personal health, but what if […]