We’ve been treating ALL fats like an enemy…and we’re wrong!

We’ve been treating ALL fats like an enemy…and we’re wrong!

They were wrong. Whoever told you all forms of fat are bad for the health was wrong. I know it’s pretty hard to believe. All our lives we’ve been told that fats are unhealthy. We’ve been treating fats like an enemy when we really shouldn’t have. In fact, dietitians and doctors nowadays are singing the […]

Exploding E-cigarettes? Just Another Reason

Exploding E-cigarettes? Just Another Reason

Only a fool or someone living in a total bubble could argue against the dangers of tobacco. From heart disease and emphysema to the unbelievably insidious cancer of the tongue, there can be no rational reason for believing that you won’t be effected. Yet people continue to ignore the obvious and the inevitable. In recent […]

The Ketogenic Diet: Is the Hype Worth a Try?

Keto is anything but boring and it could help you lose weight!

It’s ‘new’ and lots of people are raving about it, but is it for you? Will it really help you get back that body you once had? Let’s face it, these past few years, people have been introduced to many and various ways to help achieve their health and fitness goals: taking pills, following a […]