Making America Great Will Require Ending the Lies

To make America great again, we need to stop the lies.

A lot has been made of Trump’s pathological lying and the damage it is doing to the fabric of our society. Not least of which is the current rocky transition to a new leader. But a compelling argument could be made that since the founding of our nation we have been pickled in lies and […]



A lot has been made of Trump’s pathological lying and the damage it is doing to the fabric of our society. Not least is the current rocky transition to a new leader. But a compelling argument could be made that since the founding of our nation we have been pickled in lies and deceit. No […]


What Would Jesus Do?

By Guest Blogger:  Ferdi Businger That might seem like an impertinent question for an outspoken anti-theist to ask. But I think it is a fair question since a majority of Americans consider themselves Christians and maybe a third of Americans are devoutly so. What Would Jesus Do? It seems to me that we all have […]

How the Democratic Party Is Helping Trump Win a Second Term…

How the Democratic Party is helping Trump win a second term...

Ensconced in my liberal media bubble it’s easy to imagine President Trump accidentally burning down the White House. One too many intemperate tweets, one too many sex scandals, one too many racist gaffs. But after listening to BBC interviews across the country with ordinary folks, I’m afraid the “king” is far from dead. Unfortunately, Trump’s […]

A Slice of Island Life – Town Trips

There are a million reasons why I love island life. This is just one of them.

I live in the San Juan Islands. Look to the east of Vancouver Island, 20 miles south of downtown Vancouver and 30 miles north of Seattle. That’s home. A friend asked me the other day where ‘town’ is. I answered, Anacortes. It’s about seven miles to the south – seven long miles across mostly stormy […]

How Time Changes Our Perceptions

Joan Baez

This summer I decided to reread Joan Baez’ memoir “And A Voice To Sing With.” When it came out 30 years ago in 1987, I could hardly wait to get my hands on it! All through the 1960s and the subsequent decades, I absolutely idolized her. Her music and her politics had a deep impact on […]

Is the War on Marijuana Politics Rather Than Science?

Is the War on Marijuana Politics Rather Than Science?

President Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, wants to crack down on states that have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use. This is a bone-headed, regressive move that I predict will backfire. We have an opioid addiction crisis killing thousands of people in this country every year. That crisis is fueled by a pharmaceutical industry […]

Healing a Nation With Love – A New Year Resolution

American Flag Concept With The Original 3D Character Illustration

2018 promises to be another year that challenges our collective patience and our efforts at civil discourse. It will therefore be doubly important this coming year to remember that hatred, anger, and greed are expressions of fear. The only antidote to fear is love. Yes, I know we need transformation, but… Like so many others, […]

Genetically We Are All Potential Terrorists…

Potential Terrorist in us.

By Guest Blogger:  Ferdi Businger We comfort ourselves with the belief that the Germans and the Japanese people of the 1940’s had some genetic trait that predisposed them to violence, sadism, and war. That this phenomena is confined to race and a period in history. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. I won’t […]