By Ashley Baxter and Hey Monty!
No matter where you live, everyone can and should be composting. Of course, not all of us can be running a large-scale, 50-tonne windrow operation out of our backyard or tiny apartment balcony. But there are alternatives for practically every lifestyle.
Yes, Even You Can Compost! A Study Unveils the Secrets to Success
Here are three different ways to compost your organic waste, from easy to hard and cheap to a little more pricey.
Start Your Own Compost
There are numerous methods to compost, each with their own merits and drawbacks. Generally, the simpler the composting process, the more time or money it may require.
In fact, the topic of composting is so vast that it could be discussed at length in a dedicated article.
Starting your own composting operation is similar to raising children. There are a million ways to do it and the end product is typically a function of how much money or time you spend on it.
There are countless sources of information out there on exactly how to set up your own compost or you can just reach out to us here at Monty, where custom compost operations are our specialty.
Find a Friend or Community Composter
Composting is way more common than people realise and practically everywhere has some kind of community hub that allows for organic waste drop off. These are usually managed by the city council but private and not-for-profit operations are increasingly popping up that you can find with just a quick bit of Googling.
Another great way to get your organic waste composted without having to do the hard yards yourself is finding a local neighbour who already has their own operation. Most friendly neighbourhood composters are more than happy to take others’ waste because it ultimately means more organic fertiliser for them.
Get Organic Waste Collection Commercially
Last but not least is for the laziest environmentalists out there. For some, the idea of starting your own compost operation can be a little bit daunting, as is going out of your way to drop off your waste.
There’s no shame in this option and it’s great for those with a super busy lifestyle and limited access to any other composting operations. For businesses, schools, hospitals and other establishments, this is also the best way to manage your organic waste in a sustainable way.
All major waste management providers offer organic waste collection but a number of smaller companies have also started operating.
Still Not Sure Which One Is for You?
These are three simple ways absolutely anyone can start composting their organic waste, no matter where you live. It can still be a little confusing though, whether it’s what to put in or when it’s finished cooking. That’s why we started Monty, a compost company dedicated to getting everyone, everywhere doing it.
We’re experts in all things organic. We’re even in the process of bring tech to the party with our smart compost buddy, Monty. If you have any sort of compost questions, make sure to reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.