You cant recycle wasted time

Exercising Your Brain – How a Great Podcast Can Change Your Future…

Time poor? Join the club! Most of us are. And yet we spent (on average in 2018) an insane 2 hours and 16 minutes per day on social media sites!

And I used the word ‘spent’ deliberately because that time is very rarely an investment! It’s gone! It’s not coming back! Those memes and pointless threads are never going to make you a dime.

You cant recycle wasted time
Time can be spent or it can be invested. Every minute has an opportunity cosy.

How long do you spend in traffic each day? Doing chores at home? Shopping? Hopefully, working out? What if you could convert that time to a life-changing investment?

Exercising Your Brain: The Power of Podcasts to Transform Your Life

It’s free. It’s simple. It’s now. And it’s called podcasts.

The challenge is that there are, possibly, millions of choices to confuse you. So I’m about to cut through the clutter and offer you the best place to start if you want to step up your future.

But before I do, let me explain why I am so fervent about this particular ‘caster’…

I get anything up to a 100 emails a day. Thirty are spam or close to it and head straight for trash. Twenty need attention. Another 30 get the ‘if they ask again, I’ll worry about it’ treatment. The other 20 are newsletters I’ve subscribed to. Almost every one of them goes to the ‘read later’ file.

Take a wild guess how many unread emails are waiting? More than 4,000! Wait a minute please…

OK – I just deleted them. True! I have to face reality. I’m never going to get time to sort them let alone read them.

But there is ONE newsletter that I read as soon as it arrives. It’s always short and sweet and jam-packed with goodness. It’s from Cody Mclain.

And it’s Cody’s podcast updates that I really look forward to. Here’s his introductory podcast:

Why you need to listen to Cody Mclain’s podcasts

Sure, he’s not the only ‘rags to riches story’. But his is the story that he shares to inspire and help all of us be better. Better at what? Better at being who we already are.

He does it by sharing the experiences and life lessons of other successful people – successful in life as well as business.

Here are the intro’s to two of his recent episodes.

Learn How to Improve your Memory with 4x USA Memory Champion – Nelson Dellis

In this episode of the MindHack podcast, you’ll learn simple techniques to improve your memory that can be practiced at any time!

Learn techniques from books like Remember It and Moonwalking with Einstein to help you remember letter and number combinations with memory palaces and other techniques.

Nelson Dellis is a four-time USA memory champion and holds the world record for memorizing the most names (235) and words (256) in 15 minutes, as well as the most digits (907) in 30 minutes and remembering the most decks of playing cards (9.02 decks) in 30 minutes. Although Nelson seems like a Rainman, he’s just an average Joe who has taken up a skill of memorization, a technique that dates back thousands of years.

Nelson’s book, Remember It, is extremely well written and even includes an intro written by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Nelson has been featured on CNN, ABC, and many other places. He is the co-Founder of the Memory League, a free online community, and he has also made three attempts to summit Mt. Everest.

This is an interesting conversation where we discuss how he discovered the world of memory and specific techniques you can start using instantly to improve your memory. Nelson even shares the story of how he once used his memory to cover the tab of a $600 restaurant bill. Truly anybody can drastically improve their ability to remember things with the right attitude and technique.


How this Entrepreneur went from Addiction to Discovering Flow – Michael Dash

Michael Dash is the President and CEO of Parallel HR Solutions, Inc. His journey to hope follows a six-year lawsuit that’s now settled and the sale of his company he spent eleven years building.

Michael knows his struggles are not unique to executives and entrepreneurs around the world. Michael has run addiction recovery programs for over five years now. He climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and raised over $100K for LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) and traveled to Bali where he studied Flow Consciousness, meditation, and other practices to overcome past challenges.

In this episode, Michael shares some of his favorite personal growth tools and how giving back and travel have had such an impact on his life.

He leaves listeners with this advice, “The first step is always recognition that you have a problem or are on the verge of having a problem that is affecting how you show up in life and your health. The next step is curiosity, followed by action and connection. These steps can help us lead much more balanced and fulfilled lives.”


Tools needed:

You’ve already got the main one… your phone. But you might also want to get a single, over ear, Bluetooth headset so that you can listen but still be aware of what’s happening around you.

A good headset costs as little as $20

The ubiquitous Amazon has them for as little as $20.

And of course you need time. But you’ve already got that because listening is a part of your everyday life. You were built to multitask!

Finally, you’ll need to choose your podcasting service – all free…

 podcasting service
Choose your podcasting service…

Podcasting is booming and there’s a great good reason why… it doesn’t consume time – it multiplies it!

Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole with Cody?



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