A Slice of Island Life – Town Trips

There are a million reasons why I love island life. This is just one of them.

I live in the San Juan Islands. Look to the east of Vancouver Island, 20 miles south of downtown Vancouver and 30 miles north of Seattle. That’s home. A friend asked me the other day where ‘town’ is. I answered, Anacortes. It’s about seven miles to the south – seven long miles across mostly stormy […]

How Time Changes Our Perceptions

Joan Baez

This summer I decided to reread Joan Baez’ memoir “And A Voice To Sing With.” When it came out 30 years ago in 1987, I could hardly wait to get my hands on it! All through the 1960s and the subsequent decades, I absolutely idolized her. Her music and her politics had a deep impact on […]

Saving our Kids from the Nanny State

Are we raising a generation afraid to take risks?

There are so many laws surrounding play safety! Are we helping or are we raising kids who are “too careful”? Are our kids ‘wrapped in cotton wool’, afraid to take risks? Are we really preparing them for the real world? We live in a nanny state. There are laws for everything. And we live in […]