Ladies! Your Vaginal Scent Is Who You Are…

Ladies! Your vaginal scent is who you are…

Vaginal perfumes, douches, scented panty liners, cucumber washes and now vaginal steaming? Really? I mean REALLY? Ladies, do you really want to rid yourself of the very essence that makes you YOU? That scent is uniquely yours. It is everything you are from your genes to what you eat and drink to who you sleep […]

Is the War on Marijuana Politics Rather Than Science?

Is the War on Marijuana Politics Rather Than Science?

President Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, wants to crack down on states that have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use. This is a bone-headed, regressive move that I predict will backfire. We have an opioid addiction crisis killing thousands of people in this country every year. That crisis is fueled by a pharmaceutical industry […]