Energy Conservation

Save Energy at Home – It’s Not Just the Planet You’re Saving!

By guest blogger, Philip La Rosa

Sometimes we hear about parents complaining about the population explosion – as if they had nothing to do with the loading of the bomb. Well, the same goes for global warming. We all complain about climate change and how it’s destroying the planet, yet we all contribute to it every single day.

But here’s the good news – you and I are part of the solution. Remember that every human activity has a carbon cost. We can make small but consistent efforts to lessen the carbon footrprint of our activities. And the best place to start is your home – by making yours energy efficient. Start with these easy and doable conservation tips…

Energy Conservation


Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation







energy conservation


Did I mention that you can save money from doing these things? Why, a year’s worth of savings on energy may not buy you an island in the Pacific, but it may pay for that trip on your bucket list 🙂

Do you have any ideas that would help improve the energy efficiency of homes? We’d love to hear from you…

About the writer

Philip La Rosa is the Marketing Coordinator of NJP Electrical, an electrical services company based in Jandakot, Western Australia.




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