Is It Tyres or Tires? Either Way, It’s a Massive Problem for All of Us!

Is It Tyres or Tires? Either Way, It’s a Massive Problem for All of Us

In the 10 years to 2016, a total of 878.82 MILLION passenger cars and commercial vehicles were produced globally. Even if we assume that none had more than four tyres (most large trucks have at least 10 excluding the trailer) that’s well over 3.5 BILLION tyres. If we assume that each vehicle goes through just two […]

America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People

America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People

Income and wealth inequality is accelerating in all Western nations. It’s certainly not a new phenomenon since wealth – and power – has been concentrated throughout history.  But in a brief hiccup in time, the Industrial Revolution lead to a broadening of both the income and asset base of nations. As individual incomes and wealth […]